The Power of You

“Your focus creates your reality.” 
My life pretty much revolves around this single saying & everything else is planned in accordance with this phrase.

So what does this mean?

Gradually as my awareness of the Self expanded and I came closer to the authenticity of the Self, I hit a realisation that the quality of my life wasn’t determined by the situations but my power to label them so.
By overloading yourself with self made versions of reality and drowning yourself in the misery, you’re depriving yourself of the gorgeous life you deserve to live. 
You’re staggering your focus from what really matters, henceforth losing out grip from that fact that you truly have been made to win. 
You have this PROFOUND genius within you screaming to be unchained free from all the fears, insecurities and all the dread you’ve suffocated it with.

How do you change the nature of your reality?

#1. STOP running around in circles to the same mental distresses and chasing an illusionary solution which comforts you but isn’t beneficial. Cut off with all the negative learning you give yourself because your personal story becomes your legacy. 

#2. Realise that every new day holds a tremendous potential to be the first day of a full-filling life gleaming with opportunities and peace. You make a choice there. 

#3. Invest your time and energy into things which deeply matter to YOU. 
Recognise what stirs you from within and lose yourself in the pursuit of it, keeping away the negative talk and self doubts at bay. 

You construct your own reality. Dedicate your attention, energy and emotions to the things and people you look forward to having around. It’s as simple as that. 


  1. But what if we accept ourselves as it is, rather than consistently trying to change ourselves. If there is something negative just accept it.


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