
The Power of You

“Your focus creates your reality.”   My life pretty much revolves around this single saying & everything else is planned in accordance with this phrase. So what does this mean? Gradually as my awareness of the Self expanded and I came closer to the authenticity of the Self, I hit a realisation that the quality of my life wasn’t determined by the situations but my power to label them so. By overloading yourself with self made versions of reality and drowning yourself in the misery, you’re depriving yourself of the gorgeous life you deserve to live.  You’re staggering your focus from what really matters, henceforth losing out grip from that fact that you truly have been made to win.  You have this PROFOUND genius within you screaming to be unchained free from all the fears, insecurities and all the dread you’ve suffocated it with. How do you change the nature of your reality? #1. STOP running around in circles to the same mental distresses and...

Moving Along the Fear

Making my way through the tunnel  of fleeting flickers of lights,  seeking for the brightness  waiting for the energy to be ignited, I walk with my eyes closed  and mind open.  I walk towards that inner light at the far corner.  It is calling me by names only I’ve named,  illuminating the dark and ravenous path      I once feared. I fall,  the doubt and the fear comes  down with my guard.  I realised that fear imitates me,  it moves the way I move. I realised it’s a part of me to walk with, rather than a part of me to walk away from. The goal is, take a step.  Imitate action. Imitate fearlessness.  I realised, that’s all I need.  Fear will always be there, you need to be conscious about how you move with it. 

The Meaning

Where do we find meaning in life? Or do we at all?  We’re all awareness-consciousness. A silken stream of thoughts vibrating its way through this universe. But you ask, to where? You no where. Your energy travelling to land of Self. The Self is supreme. It’s pure and boundless and you can experience it constantly within you once you’re in touch with the essence of who you are and those around you. Your energy runs the Self and also makes a major part of the Collective Consciousness.  To make it less glitzy and put it a little simply, everything is energy aligning it to itself. You have a purpose. Or maybe you don’t. But the one thing you’ve above all these labels and name we give it to, is the power; power to create. You’ve will, the will to be. The senses, senses to perceive. The mind, well, the mind is your own business. Pondering upon this contigent question would leave you in a maze, a maze you need to find your way out by your own or learn to love to be lost in ...

Lost and Found.

We meet in my dreams, those captivating eyes of yours call me with  a name unheard;  I do catch a glimpse of you in the distorted reflections and in mosaic manifestations.  Those fleeting moments when I feel your breath on my skin and your lips caress my pain.  You're the treasure I seek. I wander around yearning for a sight of yours, in your love  I was the lost  and the found.
Your touch  stops the time. Disconnected from  the world your fingers  trace my flaws, consoling them  with ardour.  We make love to what's  going to decay.  Breaking free  from the constraints, you take  my breathe away.

4. Embody that love to your being.

Don't just commit to somebody for the sake of it. Don't ask somebody out just because you're alone or you want to go for the dance or you want to calm your lusty mayhem. Please don't make love that shallow. Invest your time and energy into somebody whom you feel is worth it. Share your mind with them. Make efforts and then sit back. You can't keep a score card always, it'd just add to the pain. The fear creeps in when we're binding ourselves to the illusion that love is dependant on circumstances when we could be liberated by choosing to love ourselves first. True love is free, infinite, unconditional. It flows forth endlessly, without the need to be reciprocated. Love in its purest form is a natural expression of your being. The more you can align your vibration with that natural, fundamental aspect of your divine humanness, the greater your capacity to truly love another becomes. This true love is liberating, it’s aim is never to contain, its objectiv...

3. Love is Freedom.

When a lover or partner does or says something that we don’t like, it feels like the world is caving in on itself. But the truth is we can view this from a perspective of either fear or love. View from the perspective of love. Nobody is perfect. We're each at our own personal evolutionary stage. Love gets disillusioned at times. It's not always beautiful. There are differences you'd need to work out. But the real problem arises when we're not giving them the space to be human, to make mistakes and grow along their own personal trajectory. Why do are we trying to fit them into our own idea of love and partner? We can have compassion for others and for ourselves and become liberated from the heaviness of expectation. Love is compromise. Love is adjustment. Love is loving those quirks. Love isn’t rooted in requirements. it’s not based in prerequisites, it’s not dependent on the external world. A love of that sort is freedom. You aren't bounded to be of a kind. G...