Substitute Judgement With Curiosity.

As humans, we are inclined towards judging things, people and events around us. Free will and the ability to choose is the part of what makes a human human. It helps us understand people and make decisions on a conscious and a subconscious level.
 Being judgmental is necessary. There could be a million diverse opinions about something, but some of them may conclude as a deleterious aftermath. We often fail to realise that sometimes even the smallest of opinions are big enough to cause wreckage just because we are unacquainted with the whole story!
 What I believe is that, REPLACE JUDGEMENT WITH CURIOSITY. Rather than being so quick to judge and categorize, we should keep in mind that the opinions which we have formed can turn out to be delusive. Each one of us is unique in some way. Each one of us has something unusual inside us. Don't let that criticism bring you down. You are much more than those opinions about you. None of us has reached the pinnacle of perfection.
 Challenge yourself with new people you meet, and people you've known your whole life. Rather than judge, take interest in a person. Uncover their layers, their histories, their experiences. You never know what life changing experience you are about to witness when you fill yourself with curiosity and not judgement.


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