
Showing posts from 2017

Moving Along the Fear

Making my way through the tunnel  of fleeting flickers of lights,  seeking for the brightness  waiting for the energy to be ignited, I walk with my eyes closed  and mind open.  I walk towards that inner light at the far corner.  It is calling me by names only I’ve named,  illuminating the dark and ravenous path      I once feared. I fall,  the doubt and the fear comes  down with my guard.  I realised that fear imitates me,  it moves the way I move. I realised it’s a part of me to walk with, rather than a part of me to walk away from. The goal is, take a step.  Imitate action. Imitate fearlessness.  I realised, that’s all I need.  Fear will always be there, you need to be conscious about how you move with it. 

The Meaning

Where do we find meaning in life? Or do we at all?  We’re all awareness-consciousness. A silken stream of thoughts vibrating its way through this universe. But you ask, to where? You no where. Your energy travelling to land of Self. The Self is supreme. It’s pure and boundless and you can experience it constantly within you once you’re in touch with the essence of who you are and those around you. Your energy runs the Self and also makes a major part of the Collective Consciousness.  To make it less glitzy and put it a little simply, everything is energy aligning it to itself. You have a purpose. Or maybe you don’t. But the one thing you’ve above all these labels and name we give it to, is the power; power to create. You’ve will, the will to be. The senses, senses to perceive. The mind, well, the mind is your own business. Pondering upon this contigent question would leave you in a maze, a maze you need to find your way out by your own or learn to love to be lost in ...

Lost and Found.

We meet in my dreams, those captivating eyes of yours call me with  a name unheard;  I do catch a glimpse of you in the distorted reflections and in mosaic manifestations.  Those fleeting moments when I feel your breath on my skin and your lips caress my pain.  You're the treasure I seek. I wander around yearning for a sight of yours, in your love  I was the lost  and the found.
Your touch  stops the time. Disconnected from  the world your fingers  trace my flaws, consoling them  with ardour.  We make love to what's  going to decay.  Breaking free  from the constraints, you take  my breathe away.

4. Embody that love to your being.

Don't just commit to somebody for the sake of it. Don't ask somebody out just because you're alone or you want to go for the dance or you want to calm your lusty mayhem. Please don't make love that shallow. Invest your time and energy into somebody whom you feel is worth it. Share your mind with them. Make efforts and then sit back. You can't keep a score card always, it'd just add to the pain. The fear creeps in when we're binding ourselves to the illusion that love is dependant on circumstances when we could be liberated by choosing to love ourselves first. True love is free, infinite, unconditional. It flows forth endlessly, without the need to be reciprocated. Love in its purest form is a natural expression of your being. The more you can align your vibration with that natural, fundamental aspect of your divine humanness, the greater your capacity to truly love another becomes. This true love is liberating, it’s aim is never to contain, its objectiv...

3. Love is Freedom.

When a lover or partner does or says something that we don’t like, it feels like the world is caving in on itself. But the truth is we can view this from a perspective of either fear or love. View from the perspective of love. Nobody is perfect. We're each at our own personal evolutionary stage. Love gets disillusioned at times. It's not always beautiful. There are differences you'd need to work out. But the real problem arises when we're not giving them the space to be human, to make mistakes and grow along their own personal trajectory. Why do are we trying to fit them into our own idea of love and partner? We can have compassion for others and for ourselves and become liberated from the heaviness of expectation. Love is compromise. Love is adjustment. Love is loving those quirks. Love isn’t rooted in requirements. it’s not based in prerequisites, it’s not dependent on the external world. A love of that sort is freedom. You aren't bounded to be of a kind. G...

2. Redifining Love.

Love is limitless while conditional love is always in a need of validation. The misconception of scarcity of love has been rooted deep in our minds. It's the obliviousness about the presence of it. When we hold this energy as truth we instantly limit ourselves. It may be that your previous experiences aren't all that pretty, you've been walked upon and left alone to soak in the pain. But life is unfair, so is love. Life is unexpected and so is love. Acknowledge the fact that YOU are the source of love in your life. Once we stop seeking love outside and shift that to our inner selves, we empower ourselves. You manage your insecurities and you become fearless in love. Being fearless in love is beautiful. Nothing holds you back from giving your all into it and accepting the outcome happily, regardless it's nature. We can choose to share our love with another instead of relying on another to be the source of love itself. Allow yourself to shift your definition of love...

1. Love

Love. This four lettered word which we all are seeking and striking for. To me, it's the most powerful emotion in the universe. This abstract emotion of passion, tenderness, attachment and what not. I'd be short of adjectives and words to elucidate the beauty of it. But we see it as foreign, as something so monumentally precious that can be stolen away in an instant. We identify love as amorphous and impermanent. We experience it as a master shapeshifter, constantly changing and completely unreliable. These qualities convince us to cower in the face of love. I see people running away from it when it shows up on your door. You know, you've been waiting for it as long as you've been here but when it finally is here; you'd just turn around and sneak into a safe hiding. And it's okay. It's human to feel that fear, to have those anxieties and over thinking sessions. We're a series of a heart breaks and half led relationships, we're made up of all that...

Soul Resurrection

Let your soul come to life in these coming days. Scrutinize every part of yourself, embrace your intricasies. There's a lot more to you, to this human experience and the universe. Immerse yourself in the pursuit of knowledge, wisdom and experience. Be keen to decipher this infinite world of potential you carry within. Love without lines, boundaries and compartments. Give out every inch of yours for something which ignites a fire within you. Align your energy and invest it in what you're passionate for. Gain deeper insights into the nature of reality. Celebrate each other's flaws and evolve as one spiritually, emotionally & mentally. Spend time in nature, seeking knowledge, being compassionate, reading more, medidating and living your truth. Swim in the tumultuous sea of experience and in the depth of your soul.


Rove around with your arms wide open and your heart taking pleasure in the surroundings. Stay wild and live freely, do what makes you happy and don't stop. The earth's beautiful and boundless; don't stop exploring it. Swim to the depths of the ocean and climb to the highest mountain. Pour your heart out onto those pages of your diary and maybe pass it on to strangers, your words do hold the power to move places and people. Dance naked in your own company at 3AM to your favourite song, celebrate your quirkiness. Journey to places you never dreamed, know what it is made of. Live for sunset skies and the first rain. Go make somebody smile, help somebody out with a chore, each of us has a lot of love to give to this world and believe me, it'll come back to you. Laugh. Cry. Let out those emotions of yours in their most honest, authentic way. You're beautiful with them, you know? Push yourself to the points you never imagined and be proud of yourself when you look ba...


I had been running around in circles, away from the city light and far from people's eyes, pulling out from the mayhem that surrounded me, and the one that had been rising within me. I'd been pacing about to seek the answers to questions I didn't understand. I'd tear myself apart by the ends of the universe, just to look at the big black hole of nothingness staring right back at me. There was this longing to be set free, pull aside this flesh and soul, the agony and confusion and to taste the sweet escapade. They said there's a cabin up the hills, known for it's beatific spirit and the power to make one feel whole. They said it's gloom-ridden and devoid of negativity. So I just rushed up there. Anxious. Yearning for peace. I knocked hard on the door, no answer. I tried again but all I could hear was silence screaming back at me. So I decided to wait until somebody came by. Hours went by and I had been waiting. I was losing my mind. Everything felt like...


Bright light bursting forth,  into the dawn of  a brand new zenith.  Golden rays soften the land  with newfound warmth.  Infinite possibilities of  this grand awakening arise,  manifold choices  presented to us all. With the dawn of this new day, choose we to let past wounds & future fears determine our way? Or choose we to stir and awaken  the limitless glories  within and around us? Let us choose now and dance with the rays of the newborn sun. 

Desiderate Your Inner Being.

Here's a spoiler about life: you predestine your emotions. You and only you are responsible for your mirth and misery. You will continue to suffer as long as you revert back negatively to everything that is said to you and happens to you. You live in the illusion of emotions as long as you are a reactor. Reactors align their well being to outer situations, people and things. They wait for that magical moment to come by which will change their life and only then they'd be living a dream. Their life is determinded by 'when that happens.' We go about drifting, trying to make sense of what it is; oblivious to the secret of our happiness. So if you truly desire a life of prosperity and peace; make a statement of purposefullness. Decide how you want to feel and let not outer riffs influence it. You're allowed to feel good for no reason, so do yourself a favour and loosen up. Let your self go and be free. Don't wait for these feelings to comeby through certain ...