1. Love

Love. This four lettered word which we all are seeking and striking for. To me, it's the most powerful emotion in the universe. This abstract emotion of passion, tenderness, attachment and what not. I'd be short of adjectives and words to elucidate the beauty of it.
But we see it as foreign, as something so monumentally precious that can be stolen away in an instant. We identify love as amorphous and impermanent. We experience it as a master shapeshifter, constantly changing and completely unreliable. These qualities convince us to cower in the face of love.
I see people running away from it when it shows up on your door. You know, you've been waiting for it as long as you've been here but when it finally is here; you'd just turn around and sneak into a safe hiding.
And it's okay. It's human to feel that fear, to have those anxieties and over thinking sessions. We're a series of a heart breaks and half led relationships, we're made up of all that pain and those experiences. It's a part of you. You've been strong enough to endure the pain of what is the most powerful emotion around. I'm already so proud of you.
But this fear is a big, grand illusion which is depriving you of wonderful moments, experiences and chances to grow.
To truly release the fear of love, we have to fertilize the seed of it that exists within. This is how we transform fear. This is how we shift our vibration from resistance to openness.

/This is my first post on the theme love. I'm going to do a short series about whatever I've to say about it. So stay around and keep loving. :)


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